In this exhibition which takes place during the Clifden Arts Festival 2021, words and images derived from sketch books, newspaper reports, historical documents, poetry and song, are combined with printmaking and painting processes to produce mixed-media works. The hand-coloured lino prints and paintings on board are based on images drawn by my grandfather, Patrick Furey, in the late 1970’s/1980‘s. His drawings, created towards the end of his life, reflect his experiences and interests. The imagined landscapes deal with the idea of violence in a peaceful setting and how the landscape we inhabit today may have been the setting for violent acts at another time. The collage works are part of an ongoing series combining images and words with fragments of historical documents. The title of the exhibition “Side by Side,” are words taken from a newspaper article from 1920 which details an incident when my grandfather and his brother Michael were taken from their home at night during a raid by Auxiliary Forces. The exhibition aims to remember, celebrate and imagine through a new focus on existing and original visual and textual materials.
OPEN DAILY 11am-5pm